Events: If you are interested in helping with events in 2023, you may want to join the Fundraising Committee. Email CHNAFundraising@gmail.com or please fill out the volunteer form: https://cottagehome.info/get-involved/volunteer/.
Spring and Fall Cleanups: If you enjoy weeding and spending time with your neighbors, the Greenspace Committee can use your help! Watch for the 2023 Spring and Fall Cleanup events. You can even volunteer to be a member of the Greenspace committee! Email chnagreenspace@gmail.com for more information.
Event Pictures and Stories: Even though 2022 is almost over, the Communication Committee can use photos and stories from neighbors who attended community events or just have some wonder memories to share. Email your photos and stories to chnacommunications@gmail.com.
Don’t have time to give? Donations are another way you can help the Cottage Home Neighborhood thrive. Donate online through PayPal on the neighborhood website at https://cottagehome.info/get-involved/donate/ or send a check to Cottage Home Neighborhood Association, 714 N. Highland Ave. 46202.