President’s Message


Updated on:

President’s Message

Once again I was blown away by the attendance at our April General Membership meeting at Centerpoint Brewing. We heard from a lot of our neighbors and even saw some new faces.

One thing we discussed at the meeting that I think is worth repeating here, is to encourage all Cottage Home and community members to utilize the Mayor’s Action Center (MAC) to report issues with streets, trash, traffic signs and more.

As stated on their website, the MAC serves as a single point of contact for Indianapolis residents “to request City services, obtain information or provide feedback.”

A few issues we heard from our neighbors are vehicles disregarding speed limits, stop signs and directional street signs. There are also concerns over vicious dogs, the disrepair of streets, sidewalks and alleys and lack of appropriate crosswalk striping. All of these are issues that can and should be reported to the MAC. To do so, go to or call them at (317) 327-4MAC.

I encourage all of you to report these various problems and do it often. The more we report city related matters to the MAC, the more likely they are to be resolved.

I look forward to seeing everyone out and about as the weather gets warmer! Happy May!
