Neighborhood Home Tour Opens Doors to Homeownership
Saturday, August 16
11am – 3pm
East 10th St. & Dorman St.
If you’ve ever wanted to see inside the historic homes or the shiny new contemporary houses going up around the Near Eastside, now’s your chance.
Next month, NEAR is partnering with a cluster of local developers to host the first ever Near East Open Doors Tour—a tour of Near Eastside homes that span the spectrum of pricing, neighborhoods, and styles. We’re out to prove that—historic or modern, affordable or affluent—the Near Eastside has homes for anyone looking to settle in a great community near downtown, near developing trails, wooded urban parks, interesting shops and eateries, and robust educational options.
But don’t feel like you have to be in the market for a new house to join the fun. Anyone is welcome to see all the great homes and experience the community the Near Eastside offers.
Homes Featured on the Open Doors Tour
- Single-family homes in the Dorman Square development by Stenz Corporation
- Ursula David’s Prefabulous houses on East 10th St.
- New and historic homes in St. Clair Place restored by NEAR, Prossimo Homes, and Full Circle Development
- Condominiums at Clifford Corners by the East 10th Street Civic Association
- Single-family homes in the Willard Park neighborhood by Riley Area Development Corporation
- Modern homes in the Highland Park neighborhood by The Re-Development Group
Show up early. Stick around for a party.
The first 20 tour participants will receive a Near East Swag Bag, courtesy of the East 10th St. Civic Association.
And while you’re in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by the St. Clair Place Neighborhood Block Party, meet Near East residents, and see what can happen when a neighborhood comes together. The party starts at 2pm at East 10th & Jefferson.
Getting Around
Participants will be able to drive, walk, bus, or bike to each tour stop. Maps will be provided, and a people mover will circulate between these sites every 15 minutes.