Brad Severance, a Cottage Home creative, says he is a photographer, poet, artist, Francophile (is fond of France and everything French), and an avid reader. By day Brad is a web developer but still finds time for his creative passions.

Brad captures Cottage Home Neighborhood in photos.
Brad’s images depict the everyday reality of the neighborhood. To practice and improve his photography in 2023, he takes a photo a day. He calls it his 2023 Photo Journey.
Discover Brad’s photography on Flickr
Brad displays his best photographs at and his Flickr profile at His photography is categorized by location. Photos can be viewed from Paris, Montreal, England, Seattle, New Orleans, New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C, Beaufort, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Indianapolis, and Cottage Home.

A Poem a Week
Feature Two
To inspire his poetry writing, Brad recently created the project A Poem a Week. It can be found on his website at As it sounds, Brad writes a new poem each week and publishes it on his website.
“Indy’s Most Notorious Coterie of Misfit Writers”
Taking photos and writing poems were not enough to keep Brad busy. He runs a writers group called Pen to Paper. Brad says it consists of “Indy’s most notorious coterie of misfit writers.” It is found at and includes a Meetup group at The group’s purpose is to write and improve writing skills. The members write and critique each other’s written work. The website indicates how to get started and the rules of the writers group. The group is open to all skill levels, so check it out.
Stuff Brad’s Read In 2023
Finally, Brad shares the books he is reading in 2023. He lists the books with the book cover and gives a brief comment on each. He also provides other famous comments about each book.
Cottage Home neighborhood has many creatives and Brad is one to learn more about.
Lightbox of Photos
(Click to enlarge.)