Welcome to the cottage home neighborhood association site.

Cottage Home neighborhood is a near east side community, bounded by 10th, Oriental, and Michigan Streets, and I-70. The neighborhood gets its name from the large collection of cottage style of houses built between 1870 and 1900.

community space

rent the community space

The community space and shelter are open to the public, but can be rented out for private events all year round.

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News, Nominating

View the 2025 board election slate

The December 2nd meeting will be at Paramount School with a pitch in meal starting at 6:15p and the business …

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membership Sign In

The membership account page has been updated. Check it out.

in case you missed it

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Block Captain Barbara McGahey Frain Secures a Serviceberry Tree

Shout out to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Block Captain Barbara McGahey …