Homes for Sale

13312873_10209416571075370_6332683507750561339_nBelow is a list of all homes and lots available for sale in the Cottage Home neighborhood:

(last updated: 06/01/16)




1128 East St. Clair
Everhart Studios


1100 Block East 9th Street
317-631- 0846


975 Doman
Stenz Construction Corp.
Beau Ansty
317-590- 8280


523 Dorman St.
3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage,
fenced backyard, all appliances.
Asking $249,900
Call 317-685- 0068 for viewing.
Serious inquiries only.


526-528 N. Oriental
Scott Severns
317-750- 5552

 Build-able Lots:


1133 E. 10 th St.
1137 E. 10 th St.
950 Stillwell St.
953 Stillwell St.
Indy/Mod Homes
New “Prefabulous” Homes in Cottage Home
Ursula David, 317-590-5561


962 North Stillwell
966 North Stillwell
Stenz Construction Corp.
Beau Ansty
317-590- 8280